Drivers for fluorescent tubes
Phase-out of the fluorescent light source within EU
During 2023 fluorescent tubes was phased-out from the european market following an EU directive. To find out more about what applies, you can read our guide to the phasing out of fluorescent tubes.
If you would like tips or advice on which types of LED solutions you can use as a replacement for your existing fluorescent luminaire in your buiilding, you can contact us at WLK.
Welight REFIT replaces the fluorescent tubes in your luminaire
The easiest solution to replace your fluorescent tubes is to use Welight REFIT, a complete Set of different components to replace your fluorescent tubes with a complete LED solution in your existing luminaire. Read more about how Welight REFIT works.
We still offers a few drivers for T5, T8, as well as compact lamps. Not sure which driver you need? You are always welcome to ask us for help!!